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ISO TRADE sp. z o.o. from Legnica informs that the product: Blade Fan + Clip, model: JS-590A, EAN code: 5901785367171, introduced to the market, does not meet the requirements specified in the Regulation of the Minister of Development of June 2, 2016, on the requirements for electrical equipment (Journal of Laws, item 806), due to the lack of proper protection for the terminals, which in the case of desoldering leads to an unlawful reduction of the insulation distance, creating a risk of electric shock. The above announcement is published in connection with the proceedings conducted before the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection.

In connection with the above, we would like to inform you about the possibility of returning the
product. Please contact us immediately via email address: for further information.



Dear Customers,


In connection with the announcement of the Bundesrepublik Deutschland, the company Iso Trade Sp. z o.o. informs that the product "RGB night lamp with remote control - rabbit 12529 Izoxis" EAN code: 5902802919601, batch number 20211215, is not in compliance with Directive 2014/30/EU due to formal deficiencies.

The aforementioned product lacks elements for identification of the device, which informs about technical data, address of the manufacturer, trade name and address of the importer.

The label with this information should be downloaded from the attachment below and pasted on the product.

For more information, please contact us at the following e-mail address:


Label for download



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